Friday, December 02, 2005

Campari Red Passion - Eyes Wide Shut soundtrack'ist

Täna jõudis minuni pehmelt öeldes huvitav informatsioon Campari reklaami ehk siis filmi Eyes Wide Shut soundtrack'i kohta.
Ma ütleksin, et minu alateadvus oli millekski selliseks ehk isegi valmis, aga lugedes tundsin hetkeks sellist väikest judinat mööda selgroogu üles jooksmas ; )
Aga lugege ise!

Info algallikateks: Väike Max, Lõunamaalt ja Mart, Droididemaalt
Vahendajateks: Surra ja Arlis, kah Lõunamaalt

(14:59:53) max: raul, sa m2letad 'eyes wide shut' ?
(15:01:06) max: aga ma n2gin telekast reklaami
(15:01:06) max: campari
(15:01:28) max: kus mees jookseb tsiki suunas ja ajab talle joogi kaela ja siis tegelikult on nad mqlemad opposite sex?
(15:02:15) max: seal on taustmuusika
(15:05:01) max: tead ma keerasin selle teistpidi
(15:05:19) max: see on reversed
(15:06:13) max: [27|16:06] m a r t: Play the piece reversed (from the end to beginning) and you find this incredible fact:
It is an original pray song, recorded perhaps in a ROMANIAN Greek-Orthodox church.
Well, it is in Romanian and reversed, no wonder why is not understandable. The background music is added and not reversed - after all, the romanian church is not using musical instruments.
Interesting and fascinating - My guess is that Jocelyn Pook was influenced by Gyorgy Ligeti who composed the film's background music (the one with the piano). He is romanian by origin. Just a guess.

(15:06:20) max: [27|16:06] m a r t: The bass priest says:

"God said to His disciples: `A new commandment I give to you'"

Only this appears in the song. It comes from John 13:34 and the entire sentence would read: `A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.'

(15:06:47) max: [27|16:07] m a r t: The tenor priest says:

"We still pray for the mercy, the life, the peace, the health, the salvation, the scrutiny, neglection and forgiveness of the sins of God's servants, worshipers, almsgivers, benefactors of this holy site"
[27|16:07] m a r t: Then it is repeated several times.

Judging by the text and the context it was used in the film, I suspect Kubrick knew what it meant.

Ja veel natuke infi:
Mart says: selle loo nimi oli algselt backwards priests
Mart says: see oli valmis enne filmi tegemist, mitte teda ei tehtud filmi jaoks
Mart says: filmi koreograaf kasutas seda tantsuharjutustes taustamuusikana, kuna õige polnud veel valitud, see hakkas kubrikule meeldima ja selle tõttu läks ta filmi sisse
Mart says: ja sai kuulsaks tänu filmile, mille tõttu vahetati pealkiri.


Blogger I hate pencils ütles...

Tänu siin olnud arutelule hakkasin otsima seda filmi ja lugu... lugu on tõesti selline ja isegi meeldiv omal moel. Filmgi oli super, tõeline meistriteos! Kahju, et see Kubricku viimaseks jäi!

9:56 PM  

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